Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mobile Working and the Anywhere Employee

A new survey has revealed that Australians are more reliant on their mobile devices than ever before, using them to get more work done out of normal office hours. However, experts have warned this addiction is coming at a price, impacting on personal relationships and health. 

The Good Technology study found: 
  • 88% of respondents admit to working outside of regular hours on their mobile device
  • 39% said they need to use their mobile device outside of regular hours to keep on top of their workload, while only 4% said it was to impress their boss
  • 20% admit to taking work calls or answering emails on a family day out  
Commenting on the results Jim Watson, vice president and corporate general manager at Good Technology APAC, said: “We are truly living in the connected age as mobile devices like phones and tablets become indispensible tools to manage our professional and personal lives.”

“As our reliance on mobility continues to grow, there will be an increased need for companies and individuals to manage this more effectively. For example, ensuring that sensitive company information is kept secure, while still giving employees the freedom to use their mobile devices the way they want to be productive and connected in both their professional and personal lives.”

This correlates with another recent study by Siemens who believe that this trend has help create the 'anywhere employee' - who can use modern technology to work from multiple locations - replacing the traditional office-based worker. 

In the past, staff would have had difficulty managing different platforms - such as email, mobile, landline and social media - outside of the office, whereas modern flexible and collaborative tools, as well as cloud computing technology now mean this can be done seamlessly and irrespective of location. 

However, Watson stresses that, “it is important for workers to feel in control and not let their mobile rule them. The technology exists to enhance productivity and enable greater flexibility between work and personal life - not cause us to work all the time. Mobility has ‘unchained us’ from the office so that we can all be productive and connect from anywhere, anytime—whether that’s at home, in the office, while waiting for your coffee at the shop or taking in a child’s cricket game. The idea is to be able to enjoy more of life by being mobile.” 

To maintain a healthy balance, employers should regularly check with staff about their workload and whether they’re workingfrom home, as well as advising them on healthy use of mobile devices.

A web-based time and attendance system can assist employers in effectively managing and tracking their mobile or remote workforce.

A web-based time and attendance system also facilitates real-time project tracking, providing accurate analysis of employee activity anytime, anywhere – increasing efficiency and ensuring that labour-related costs are genuine.

With an online time and attendance system, staff can remotely clock in and out of tasks, appointments and projects via desktop PCs, laptops, notebooks and the latest communications devices and smart phones. They can also view their holiday entitlements, apply for leave, and request updates to their personal records without having to converse with HR staff. 
For more information on how a web-based time and attendance system could help you embrace mobile/remote working contact Mitrefinch today on 1300 884 831 (+61 2 8762 7888) or visit www.mitrefinch.com.au

Source: HC Online

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