Sunday, November 13, 2011

Half of Australian workers admit to fleecing their employers with Buddy Punching and Time Theft

Australians are the third most likely worldwide to try to fleece their employer by being a little less than honest when it comes to clocking on and off work, according to a new survey by Kronos APAC.

An article in last week’s Herald Sun, stated that 51 per cent of surveyed workers admitted to some degree of Time Theft, with NSW leading the way on 45 per cent - which amounts to alot of lost productivity and revenue!

The survey also found Australia's most dishonest employees were 18 to 24-year-old men earning a middle income.

Top tricks used include; clocking in earlier or out later than scheduled and neglecting to clock off for lunch or breaks.

Ask yourself, if any of the following statements sound familiar? Perhaps you have used them in the past, or maybe your employees are using them now...

“I knew I’d be late this morning, so I gave my mate on the same shift my proximity fob and ID pin and he clocked me in”

“I need to make up my 38 hours this week. If I shorten my actual lunches on my Time Sheet no one will ever know.”

“I needed to take a 20 minute break to make a phone call, but I just didn’t bother clocking out and in again.”

So how might you reduce the potential for Buddy Punching, Time Theft or Time Sheet padding within your business?

While an employee time and attendance system certainly is a step in the right direction, you need to ensure you have the right system in place to match your organisational set up.

For example:
For more information on employee time clocks to accurately monitor employee time and attendance, visit or contact us directly at


Astrow Suite said...

nice blogs. This sharing very useful for us. and employee very be happy.

Time and Attendance Solutions

John Adam said...

Such a nice article, i really enjoy to read it.

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