Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A typical day in the life of a HR Professional

Just another day at the office....

You arrive at work, full of a positive energy after the extra long Easter Break - you’re focused, motivated, and ready for today’s challenges.

So far, so good!

8:52am You’ve just opened your inbox – 52 emails, most of them flagged as ‘urgent’ – better get some caffeine into your system.

9:07am Brett from one of the Production Lines has rung in sick. That’s the 5th time within the past 3 months. His Supervisor believes he is deliberately “chucking sickies”, particularly as it’s the day after a public holiday weekend, and wants to start an investigation. He has asked for your advice and Brett’s absence data for the past year.

9:20am You begin researching Brett’s absence documentation. There is a mountain of files and archived emails to go through.

9:45am John from Sales sends you an email, he wants to know his Annual Leave Balance and would like to request a day off on May 2nd.

10:00am You’ve just received an email from a Forklift Operator who hasn’t been paid for his overtime last month.

10:20am A phone call from Jane in Sales enquiring about her Paid Parental Leave entitlements. It's a compulsory obligation for employers to process these payments from 1 July 2011. Need to make sure we fully understand our obligations to both employees and Government.

10:30am Kate from Finance has just handed in her notice, she’s off on a round the world trip and hopes to settle in the UK for a few months. Need to start recruiting ASAP and organise a reference letter for Kate.

11:00am You finally get around to making a start on this month’s payroll which needs to be complete by Friday.

11:15am You can’t focus on payroll as you’ve just had a phone call from a Production Manager informing you that three staff from his department were late today causing a significant delay in an order delivery. Need to look at revising corporate procedures for dealing with lateness.

12:00noon No time for a full lunch break, as you still need to check all your files to find Brett’s absence documentation.

1:00pm Still searching! More new emails and requests to deal with and you’ve had to answer at least 5 phone calls from recruitment agencies.

2:00pm Eventually you get around to the payroll run again. Only 2.5 days left and a number of spreadsheets to go through, as well as taking account of all the Public Holiday penalty rates.

It looks like it's going to be another late evening…

Sound familiar? Then stop pulling your hair out and think about a solution!

A robust Time and Attendance and HR system supports hardworking HR professionals, like you, by monitoring the working time of your employees and automate time consuming administrative tasks, in turn enhancing productivity and providing necessary up-to-the-minute information and reports on employee absence, annual leave entitlements, attendance records etc...

In addition, by eliminating the manual calculation of working hours, an effective Time and Attendance System will greatly minimise the administrative workload involved with payroll processing and help you gain peace of mind regarding compliance with workforce regulations and award entitlements.

An Employee Self Service module would allow your staff to manage their own attendance and holiday information in a controlled, accessible and efficient way. Employees could simply access the system online to view remaining leave, entitlements, and request updates to their personal records without having to bother you or your team.

In addition, all your employee data, files and correspondence are centrally stored, making the filing and retrieving of vital information quick and easy to manage. This information can in turn be used to run reports on past and present data, such as training and development requirements.

Want to find out more?

Stop sacrificing your lunch break to deal with HR issues, download our Free Guide on how to choose the right Time and Attendance System today.

Or feel free to call us on 1300 884 831 or email to discuss your particular needs in more detail.

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