Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Holiday woes for HR and the Payroll Office

Each year, the Easter holiday period raises a number of different employment issues for employers and represents a demanding time for HR and Payroll departments across the country.

Common issues experienced range from an increase in levels of absenteeism among employees, a spike in the number of annual leave applications as this period coincides with the school holiday break, and questions regarding the day or days that have been declared a public holiday by the respective state or territory government.

And as if things weren't complicated enough, this year Easter Monday and Anzac Day both fall on the same day (Monday, 25 April). Nevermind the current NAB problems that may also be reeking havoc with your payroll payments!

According to the NSW Business Chamber, an employee’s entitlement to a public holiday is derived from the Fair Work Act 2009, the relevant state or territory public holiday legislation, the applicable modern award or enterprise agreement, or the employee’s contract of employment.

Easter Public Holidays

To help clear up the confusion below are the days listed by the Act as public holidays for this Easter period, as well as the public holiday declared by the relevant state and territory government as a public holiday for that particular state or territory:

*Good Friday, 22 April - all states and territories

*Easter Saturday, 23 April – all states and territories (except South Australia and Western Australia)

*Easter Sunday, 24 April – New South Wales only

* Anzac Day, Monday, 25 April – all states and territories (except Victoria – observed on Tuesday, 26 April)

* Tuesday, 26 April (Easter Monday) – all states and territories (except Tasmania)

Easter School Holidays

In addition, the following are the listed school holidays over the Easter period in each state and territory

New South Wales and Victoria: Saturday, 9 April – Tuesday, 26 April

Queensland, South Australia and ACT: Saturday, 16 April – Sunday, 1 May

Western Australia: Wednesday, 20 April – Wednesday, 4 May

Tasmania: Friday, 22 April – Sunday, 1 May

Northern Territory: Friday, 22 April – Tuesday, 26 April

Thankfully help is at hand!

For our Mitrefinch Time and Attendance System users we can help reduce the extra pressure normally suffered by the HR and Payroll Office around this period with the following functionality:

Employee Self Service: Employees can check their Annual Leave Balances and Request Annual Leave without having to annoy the HR department

Leave Slots: Allows management to limit how many employees can be off in one day, employees cannot request Annual Leave once the limit has been reached. This feature is particularly useful in times of high demand for holidays like Easter or in the run up to and during the Christmas Break, as well as times of heightened production/activity i.e. January Sales for Retail

Group Absentee Profile: Allows employees to view Leave Slots and whether the limit has already been reached, stopping them from generating requests for leave

Absence Profile: Allows Management/supervisors to enforce minimum notice for absence, and enforce minimum or maximum length for absence

In addition, our powerful Time and Attendance system automates all the payroll calculations , managing all the different pay and penalty rates associated with the holiday period, this information can then be imported to your payroll system – reducing data entry, saving you time and reducing the potential for payroll error.

All you need to do now, is sit back, relax and enjoy all that Easter chocolate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Payroll is a liability. Every business incurs a number of accrued liabilities relating to its payroll. The largest of these liabilities is the obligation to pay employees for services rendered during the period.

payroll factor

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