Sunday, March 11, 2012

Celebrating all things Payroll this March

With the launch of the National Payroll Awards and National Payroll Week (NPW) just around the corner, March has well and truly become Payroll Month!

For the majority of us, we don’t think twice when our wages are lodged into our bank account or we receive of pay slip at the end of the week or month, and rarely do we need to converse with the Payroll department.

While Payroll is often overlooked, it is one of the most highly regulated functions within a business. Compliance with complex Federal and State legislation, terms and conditions of employment and business policy is critical, and if that’s not enough Payroll Officers are often asked on a regular basis to pick up other roles. 

Yet, despite all these challenges, the Payroll team must remain focused and accurately process our pay on time, every pay run.  

However, during NPW it is Payroll’s time to shine! All over Australia, Payroll staff are encouraged to celebrate their profession and spread the word about the important role Payroll plays in their organisation.

As part of the week’s festivities, the Association of Payroll Specialists (TAPS) are running a Poster Campaign and Photo Competition. In addition, the Payroll Ambassador Award ($1,000 prize from ADP) is up for grabs.

For full details see:

But wait, there's more! Entries for the Inaugural National Payroll Awards are also open up until 23 March. Prizes include $2,500 for the 2012 Payroll Professional of the Year and a prize pool of up to $3,000 for the 2012 Payroll Team of the Year.

To enter, CLICK HERE or visit the Australian Payroll Association online for more info.

“At Mitrefinch we are big supporters of National Payroll Week, and are delighted to acknowledge the fundamental role that payroll plays in every business”, said Jamie Fitzsimons, Mitrefinch Marketing Manager. 

“Payroll is an extremely important component of every worker's life. Yet, the challenges involved with processing our pay is something that many of us take for granted.”

"Having qualified payroll personnel as well as a user-friendly system to help automate payroll processing can significantly reduce error, offering huge cost savings".

Mitrefinch’s Time Management Solution, TMS, is used on a daily basis by payroll teams and HR professionals. TMS can automate the calculation of hours, rates, awards and entitlements and this data can be easily passed through to the organisation’s payroll or accounting system – cutting payroll processing time and costly errors.

To find out how Mitrefinch Time and Attendance Solutions can make your job a whole lot easier contact us today on 1300 884 831 or

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