Thursday, August 18, 2011

Allegations of underpayment and lack of adequate employment records see Auto Service Provider in hot water

Ultra Tune, an auto service provider, is facing legal proceedings over allegedly underpaying an employee by more than $20,000.

It is also alleged to have breached workplace laws by failing to keep correct employment records for a further 10 Filipino workers it had brought to work in Australia on 457 visas.

According to court documents, Ultra Tune recruited and sponsored the employee on a 457 visa to work at their Warwick outlet in regional Queensland.

However, the company allegedly paid the worker a flat hourly rate of $15.34, rather than the minimum hourly rate, and did not pay overtime.

Fair Work inspectors were made aware of the allegations after receiving a complaint from the man following the termination of his employment when the Warwick outlet closed.

No attempts were made to employ him at another outlet and the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) claims Ultra Tune failed to pay wages in lieu of notice, redundancy and accrued annual leave entitlements.

The company has since been ordered to pay the man $11,000 of the payable entitlements they allegedly attempted to evade.

The FWO said Ultra Tune’s inadequate documentation hampered their investigation of up to nine other worker’s pay records.

The company faces multiple charges, with maximum penalties of up to $33,000 per breach.

Read the full article on HC Online here:

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