Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Smartphone use in Australia is going through the roof, how can you leverage this to better manage your workforce?

A new study by TNS Global has confirmed Smartphone usage in Australia is growing at an exceptional rate.

The international study, now in its 8th year, uses an online panel across 43 markets. This year, 34,000 consumers worldwide took part in the survey, with 504 Australian respondents split across gender, socioeconomic background, and age.

"The biggest surprise this year is we're starting to see Smartphone usage go through the roof," TNS director of technology Marcus Pritchard told Marketing magazine.

"HTC, LG and Samsung are also becoming top of mind for replacement phones, we're seeing the death of the traditional phone."

And it’s not just the iPhone, Pritchard says consumers are becoming more open to other Smartphone alternatives as they learn more about them. "It's about the experience that each can deliver," he explains.

However the study does reveal that Australia is still a little behind other developed markets for technology adoption, the quality of mobile service, and data download speeds.

Check out the complete article in the latest online edition of Marketing Magazine.

So how can you leverage this growth in mobile technology to manage your workforce more accurately and efficiently?

New mobile workforce management applications developed for Smartphones, improve workplace productivity by making it easier for supervisors and employees to complete a wide range of work related and administrative tasks from any location, at any time.

By utilising the mobile devices they are already familiar with, employees can clock in/out or on/off specific jobs from remote work sites, request leave, and review their work information in real time.

While supervisors and managers can monitor real time operations and onsite records, check anomalies, approve timesheets, and respond quickly to leave requests. GPS tracking or Google Map functionality also allows supervisors to check where specific clockings were made.

To find out more about Mitrefinch’s Mobile Workforce Solutions and how they can enhance your employee time and attendance, rostering and absence management processes see, call Sales on 1300 884 831 or email

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