Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How a Time and Attendance System can draw attention to workplace bullying and bad management

While many organisations invest in Time and Attendance systems to better track employee hours, as well as absences, there may be even more valuable information for senior managers and company directors locked within the statistical attendance data collected.

Consider the fact that a report released by the Productivity Commission, found that the effects of workplace stress, including bullying, cost Australian businesses up to $10 billion a year through absenteeism and poor productivity [1]. That amounts to alot of lost revenue that could potentially have been saved.

So what if your Time and Attendance system could find not only highlight idle employees, but also establish a link between absenteeism and workplace bullying or bad management?

A Time and Attendance system monitors and records patterns of absenteeism, sick leave, and productivity, allowing you to establish any regular patterns or sudden unexplained changes.

Does your company have a department that appears to be more efficient than the rest? Does that efficiency stand up once you factor in lost time due to illness, injury, and disability? Have you seen a spike in turnover in an area of your business where you’ve recently promoted a new manager.

Using this type of data can identify potential workplace bullying or manager/supervisor issues early on, allowing you to address the problem before it damages your business and your bottom line.

For more information on how a Time and Attendance system can benefit your business, why not give us a call today on 1300 884 831 or visit



thomas said...

Time attendance system has found a place for itself in corporate offices, schools, hospitals, government agencies, etc. Time and attendance software system delivers immediate improvements in workforce productivity through rapid implementation, unsurpassed user acceptance and the ability to comply with a wide range of requirements.

John Adam said...

Time and Attendance or Work Force management system is basically a system made to over come the problem related to the employees such as the absenteeism, payroll and how much hour are spend on a specific task.

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