Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Effective Easter Holiday Planning with an automated Workforce Management System

Each year, the Easter holiday period raises a number of different workforce and payroll issues for organisations, representing a demanding time for HR and Payroll professionals across the country. 
Happy Easter from the team at Mitrefinch!

Common issues range from an increase in levels of absenteeism, a rise in the number of annual leave applications, and questions regarding the day or days that have been declared a public holiday by the respective state or territory government. 

As an employee or employer, you need to know your entitlements and obligations for public holidays during the Easter holidays. 

This year the following days are public holidays under the National Employment Standards: 

Friday 29 March 2013 (Good Friday) and Monday 1 April 2013 (Easter Monday) 
*Note: Saturday 30 March and Sunday 31 March are also public holidays in some states and territories in Australia. 

In relation to pay rates, casual employees aren’t entitled to be paid for a day off for a public holiday. Part-time and full-time employees who get the public holiday off are generally entitled to be paid their base rate of pay for the hours they would have ordinarily worked. 

Some employees are entitled to be paid a higher rate (penalty rates) when they work on a public holiday. Whether or not an employee is entitled to penalty rates depends on a number of things, including the industry and the job. 

Visit Fair Work Australia online for more detailed information. 

For Mitrefinch Time and Attendance System users we help reduce the extra pressure normally suffered by HR and Payroll professionals around the Easter holiday period with the following functionality: 

Award Interpretation: Automate all your payroll calculations, manage different pay and penalty rates associated with the holiday period, and import this information direct to payroll – reducing data entry, saving you time and reducing the potential for payroll error. 

Self Service Tools: Employees can check their Annual Leave Balances and Request Annual Leave, while Supervisors can check off anomalies and approve/reject Leave Requests via the web or a web-enabled mobile device. 

Leave Slots: Supervisors can limit the number of employees that can be off on a given day; employees cannot request Annual Leave once the limit has been reached. This feature is particularly useful in times of high demand for holidays like Easter or in the run up to and during the Christmas Break, as well as times of heightened production/activity. 

Group Absentee Profile: Allows employees to view Leave Slots and whether the allocated limit has already been reached, preventing them from generating requests for leave. Managers can also enforce minimum notice periods for absence, and set minimum or maximum length for leave. 

With all your workforce management needs automatically taken care of, all you need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy all those Hot Cross Buns and chocolate treats!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Celebrating all things Payroll with National Payroll Week and the launch of The Payroll Revolution

As a leading provider of Workforce Management and Time and Attendance Software, Mitrefinch is pleased to once again support National Payroll Week in Australia.

Running from March 18th to March 22nd, National Payroll Week aims to boost the profile of the payroll function within organisations across the country.

National Payroll Week in Australia runs from March 18-22

“During National Payroll Week we are delighted to acknowledge the important role that the pay office plays in every business”, said Jamie Fitzsimons, Mitrefinch Marketing Manager.

Payroll professionals are tasked with managing one of the largest costs a business has, ensuring all legislative requirements are being met and keeping up with award and entitlement changes, while developing processes and practices to ensure employees are paid accurately, and on time, every pay run.

“We enjoy working closely with the payroll community to develop user-friendly time and attendance management systems, that help automate payroll processing, and ensure compliance with entitlements, ultimately making life in the pay office a little easier.”

As part of the week’s festivities, The Association of Payroll Specialists (TAPS) in conjunction with ADP, are searching for Australia's Best Payroll Ambassador.

TAPS have also distributed posters promoting the payroll function to all their members, and will run their popular payroll photo competition with 10 $300 pay cheques up for grabs.

For more information on National Payroll Week or to nominate you or your team as a Payroll Ambassador visit TAPS online

In keeping with the Payroll theme, Mitrefinch also attended the official book launch of "The Payroll Revolution" in Sydney last week.

The book, written by Tracy Angwin from the Australian Payroll Association, provides practical advice for those working in payroll on how they can ensure they are highly valued in their organisation and be accepted as a professional in their field.

The Payroll Revolution is now available to buy online at

Allan Murdoch (Mitrefinch Sales Manager), Tracy Angwin (The Payroll Revolution), and Jamie Fitzsimons (Mitrefinch Marketing Manager) at The Payroll Revolution Book Launch in Sydney last week